Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Moms are important

Hearts At Home Ministry is a ministry for stay at home moms. The founder and director's name is Jill Savage. She was on 'Focus on the Family' March 4th and 5th. You may wonder why I would care about this since I'm not a mom nor a parent. Well, when I first heard this message I did not intend to listen because I usually change to a cd when the subject matter doesn't pertain to me. I was half listening to her message when I started to connect with what she was saying. She is a very good speaker and quite funny. I only heard the second day of two. So I downloaded the messages from and listened. (click on the link to find it)
She challenges the opinion that stay at home moms are less of a person than a working one. She also tells of her own struggles of self worth and her place in this world. This is good stuff for a mom struggling with her career decisions and her position in the kingdom of God. Jill talks of the proper role of being a wife first and mom second. She also tells moms that their time with the children is short and you need to make the most of it. Moms are the primary influence for a short time, so their role is vital.
The second day Jill talks of maximizing moments. Her story was of the presidential inauguration. She had an appointment somewhere and the kids were asking a ton of questions of what was going on during this inauguration. She knew she had to get going but she knew this was important too. Her thought that kept her home was, "There won't be another inauguration for another 4 years and the kids will be in college by then." This was her moment to teach them or they would miss out.
Her other point was what her kids taught her. In the process of learning she talks about shooting up 'arrow prayers' to God. They are emergency prayers for wisdom in situations where moms need an answer fast. One example was when her child embarrassed her in a fancy restaurant. Her child said he had to go to the bathroom and he knew he had to go because he farted. He said it loud and people were staring! She asked God what to do. He was just a kid doing what a kid does. God told her, "Your value and self worth is not based on your child's behavior. It is based on who you belong to." God loves us. That doesn't change if our child misbehaves in public. I was listening real good after this. I heard what she said and I could apply it in so many other examples in my life. We must have a solid foundation in understanding our self worth and value. When we are dependent of the behavior of those around us for our self worth and value two things happen:

  1. We can become controlling- we try to control the behavior around us so we look good.

  2. We can become shaming- we shame others into compliance because of our embarrassment.

When our value is based on God it is stable, steady and dependable and it never changes. Depending on people for our self worth is like building on shifting sand.
Wow this hit's home. I remember times when I tried to get my wife to comply because she embarrassed me. There were times when we were alone and her words alone embarrassed me. She didn't mean any harm, I am just too sensitive about my role as husband and head of the household. I can be controlling. This is another new thing for me. She is the only one I am this way with. I have let my responsibilities wane and I make up for it by being a jerk. I am so glad that Jesus is changing me! I bet Kim is too!!


Web Designer said...

Hey Aaron,
I'll have to go check that link out sometime.
The pressure on a Mom to be something "more" than "just a Mom" in our society is huge. There is a new show on TLC - I forget the name of it - but it's about Mom's who "gave up their dreams" to become a Mom and they give them a chance to do what they always wished they could do if they hadn't had a family. Everytime I see the stupid previews I want to throw something at the TV.
Here's my take on it.
I'm a Mom because I want to be. It's all I've ever wanted to be. The day I gave birth to my first child is the day I stopped thinking about myself. She became my dream fulfilled - and my son soon after that. I don't want a "better" career or a "different" career. I don't need something else to take away from the most important job in the world - my children. As far as I'm concerned - and here's where I'll get screamed at - but if you choose career over children (once you have children of course) then I think your wrong. I didn't have my babies so someone else could raise them. Now, I'm not talking to people who have no choice but to work - I'm talking about people who look at their kids as if they are a hinderance to them, as if kids stand in the way of what, to them, is "more important".
Nope. I'm a Mom because it was - and it still is - the dream job. It is my career. I am proud of it. I am so thankful that I have had the opportunity to raise my children. I am happy - thrilled - that I have gotten to spend every moment of their lives with them. I consider it to be the most awesome and the most fulfilling thing that has ever happened in my life.
I once heard some women's lib crazy chick that talked about how I (well not me personally) as a housewife was less of a woman than someone who had a degree or a career. That's a load of crapola. It made me so mad when I listened to it. Please, I have the most important job in the world - and I am good at it :-) I administrate, I delegate, I organize, I educate, I preach, I teach, I medicate (how'd 'ya like that one?) - I am Mom extrodinare (but I can't spell) - don't try to tell me I'm less of a woman for making my career choice.
Okay, I'll get off my soapbox now that I have offended a mess of people.
I'm sorry - this one is something I feel pretty strongly about :-)
Whew. That was a post in itself. Sorry :-(

Anonymous said...

way cool!!! thank for sharing this!!!