Monday, March 31, 2008

Cast Away

This is not a review of a movie. It is a reflective look at what I would do in Chuck Noland's shoes and what I wondered about in the situations that arise. To cut the film down to a fast summation: Chuck leaves Kelly, his girlfriend, on Christmas eve with a small gift that probably is an engagement ring. She doesn't open it and he flies off to a distant country on business. The plane goes down and Chuck is marooned on a desert island. After reinventing the wheel, Chuck, after 5 years, finds a will and a way to leave the island and take his chance at the open sea. He is found and brought back to a life that lived on without him. Kelly has married someone else and he feels out of place everywhere he goes. The movie is quite different than any other because there is so little dialog.
Here are some thoughts that I had about the movie:

  • If I was Kelly would I have moved on and married somebody else?
  • If it was just me and God would I have a friend named Wilson?
  • How would my relationship with God be on that deserted island?
  • Could I have knocked out that bad tooth with an ice skate?
  • What would my reaction be, if after 5 years I found out my fiance left me?
  • How different would I be when I got back to my old life?
*OK, my spouse to be just crashed and no survivors were found. How long would I wait until I gave up? Would I move on? These are difficult questions to answer!! I would be the last to give up, I know that. Until I had proof or peace from God I don't think I would move on.
*Wilson the volleyball is a pretend friend Chuck creates to have a companion. Would I adopt this 'friend' also? Maybe, I have always been a little strange.
*I would hope that my relationship with God would grow and He would be my 'Wilson'. However we humans always want a second opinion.
*Pain is a motivator!! I lived with pain from my wisdom teeth for a couple years but I finally gave in. Yep I believe I would have hit the skate with a rock and knocked that thing out.
*I Don't Know if I could have handled the loss of not having her. I think I would have looked at that watch with her picture in it everyday just like he did to gain inspiration and hope, to have something to live for. I am not sure how well my relationship with God would be. I might have needed that extra hope of a loved one back home waiting for me to live with them after I got rescued. To come home after feeling all that for five years and find they 'moved on' would be devastating. I Don't Know if I could handle it.
*Regardless of losing my fiance, My life would be different. Especially if I had that high powered traveling job he had. I would think the Lord would have given me a good idea of what I would be doing from then on. I had a lot of time and dialog with Him. He also had to get me motivated and casting visions of a future off the island.
To sum it all up, I see being marooned on a deserted island as fertile ground for the Lord to work with. What other distractions would there be? You might start worshiping yourself like when he started a fire. He was all proud of himself. I think God would have told me how to do it. When you got nothing you have got to depend on God!
Tell me what you think. What would you do in each situation?