I finally did it. I got a MySpace page. People forced me into it!! They have a page themselves and it would be private. You needed a MySpace account to let them 'be your friend'. Only then (after they include you as a friend) could you see their page. Some people (like me) leave it so you can just look if you want to. Want to leave a message or comment though? You have to join. You can have them search for names or email addresses to find long lost friends or ones you never knew had a My Space page. I found some through other peoples friends lists too. It has been quite exciting.
I found a co-worker that I could not email because my address was sent to his spam every time. He needs checked on every now and then and we don't hook up at work too much. I found three my age or older church mates and several of the younger crowd. I also located one long lost friend. The main reason I did it was for family. I knew of two and found four. Some need to be checked up on too. I say 'checked up on' like I need checked up on every now and then. My mind wanders and suddenly I'm off that narrow road again. Things get busy, new favorite toys, stuff happens that needs all my attention, etc.
I found a lot of stupid stuff too. People wanting to meet people flaunt their stupidness no matter there age. The topics to chose from and the titles people create for groups are lacking in every way too. So I will only connect with friends and post pictures on MySpace. It is great to connect but any other stuff is just fluff.
Oh yeah, I want to thank Alana for my first comment. You GO girl!!:-)

Monday, March 31, 2008
by Aaron @ 3:27 AM 1 comments
Labels: Choices, Connecting, Real Life
Cast Away
This is not a review of a movie. It is a reflective look at what I would do in Chuck Noland's shoes and what I wondered about in the situations that arise. To cut the film down to a fast summation: Chuck leaves Kelly, his girlfriend, on Christmas eve with a small gift that probably is an engagement ring. She doesn't open it and he flies off to a distant country on business. The plane goes down and Chuck is marooned on a desert island. After reinventing the wheel, Chuck, after 5 years, finds a will and a way to leave the island and take his chance at the open sea. He is found and brought back to a life that lived on without him. Kelly has married someone else and he feels out of place everywhere he goes. The movie is quite different than any other because there is so little dialog.
Here are some thoughts that I had about the movie:
- If I was Kelly would I have moved on and married somebody else?
- If it was just me and God would I have a friend named Wilson?
- How would my relationship with God be on that deserted island?
- Could I have knocked out that bad tooth with an ice skate?
- What would my reaction be, if after 5 years I found out my fiance left me?
- How different would I be when I got back to my old life?
*Wilson the volleyball is a pretend friend Chuck creates to have a companion. Would I adopt this 'friend' also? Maybe, I have always been a little strange.
*I would hope that my relationship with God would grow and He would be my 'Wilson'. However we humans always want a second opinion.
*Pain is a motivator!! I lived with pain from my wisdom teeth for a couple years but I finally gave in. Yep I believe I would have hit the skate with a rock and knocked that thing out.
*I Don't Know if I could have handled the loss of not having her. I think I would have looked at that watch with her picture in it everyday just like he did to gain inspiration and hope, to have something to live for. I am not sure how well my relationship with God would be. I might have needed that extra hope of a loved one back home waiting for me to live with them after I got rescued. To come home after feeling all that for five years and find they 'moved on' would be devastating. I Don't Know if I could handle it.
*Regardless of losing my fiance, My life would be different. Especially if I had that high powered traveling job he had. I would think the Lord would have given me a good idea of what I would be doing from then on. I had a lot of time and dialog with Him. He also had to get me motivated and casting visions of a future off the island.
To sum it all up, I see being marooned on a deserted island as fertile ground for the Lord to work with. What other distractions would there be? You might start worshiping yourself like when he started a fire. He was all proud of himself. I think God would have told me how to do it. When you got nothing you have got to depend on God!
Tell me what you think. What would you do in each situation?
by Aaron @ 1:40 AM 0 comments
Labels: Deep Thoughts, Real Life
Thursday, March 27, 2008
90 Minutes in Heaven
I've decided to give a book review. '90 Minutes in Heaven-A True Story of Death and Life' by Don Piper is a book about his life more than the 90 minutes in heaven. I was impressed by this because I thought it was a book only about his encounter in heaven. I almost didn't buy it just for that fact alone. The verse Colossians 2:18 says, 'Do not let anyone who delights in false humility and the worship of angels disqualify you for the prize. Such a person goes into great detail about what he has seen, and his unspiritual mind puffs him up with idle notions.' So I am cautious about what I listen to.
The book covers Don's life from just prior to the accident up to now. However, the bulk of it is the recovery and his struggle with depression. It is an awesome book that is an account by account recollection of the entire story of a man that gets into an accident, dies, goes to Heaven, gets prayed back to earth, gets fixed up at the hospital, recovers for about a year, deals with depression, goes home, does therapy, and gets back to life and learns to minister to others in similar situations.
It is really good for a true account on depression. It does get really depressing in the middle but after he gets through it, it starts to pick up again.
I like the way he just says it like it is. You feel like your in the room with him. I would recommend this book. It shows Heaven, dealing with tragedy, and using your trials to minister to others.
The jacket reads: '90 Minutes in Heaven offers a glimpse into a very real dimension of God's reality. It encourages those recovering from serious injuries and those dealing with the loss of a loved one. And now it is available in this audio edition, read by Don Piper himself. The experience dramatically changed Piper's life, and it will change yours too.'
Two thumbs up!
by Aaron @ 4:05 AM 1 comments
Labels: Book review, Real Life
Monday, March 24, 2008
Great Illustration
I saw this post and WOW!! It is a cartoon (along with his interpretation) that shows why our cross to bare is the size it is. Check it out. Click on the link below or the title of this post.
What we have here is...: Great Illustration
by Aaron @ 1:16 AM 0 comments
Labels: Choices
Friday, March 21, 2008
Well, we have 8 inches of snow and they say it could double by mourning. Praise God, I'm in a nice warm house and everybody is safe and sound.
The change in my life is happening this weekend. We are preparing for cable to be put into our house FINALLY!! No more dial up!!!!!!!!!!!!! We have let our home get a little out of hand in the organization area. Everything suffers when you get depressed! The big plan is to get cable in by next month. I had four days off this weekend so we decided to make the best of it. Looks like we ain't going anywhere anyways.
The change not in my life is the Rials- missionaries to Russia, er... not any more. They will be relocated to Belgium (near France) in June to take over for a retiring pastor. It all starting when the Russians changed the visa laws. They are starting to come down on the Christian missionaries over there. Their hearts were leading them to move on and now it's confirmed. They will return for three months (the approved time period on the visa) and then move to Belgium.
This is a sad thing for me. I had seen their video in church and saw the need in that country. I thought ever since I would be going to Russia on a missions trip. My heart is for that Balkan/ Russian area. Ever since my trip to Kosova the people have been on my heart. I look forward to hearing from the missionaries and wonder how it's going over there. Now they are moving away. I will get over it. God changes things for His plans not ours. Yeah, maybe it was my plan to someday go over there. I wasn't listening too good the past couple years. If it was not clear I was guessing. I thought it was His plan for some things and I was way off.
So goes another chapter in my life. What does He have in store for me next? hhhmmmmmmmm.
by Aaron @ 11:40 PM 0 comments
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Bring one to Jesus
My pastor Nate Elarton posted on his blog about What if... It challenges us to try and get at least one person saved this year. What an impact for the Kingdom of God this could be if every Christian took this to heart. It seems so insignificant to only work on one person but how many of us try it? The churches in America are declining in attendance. If we were trying to get only one person to the saving knowledge of Jesus in one year the attendance should be doubling each year instead of declining.
OK honesty time! How many people have I helped get 'saved' in my life? Witnessed to, asked if they wanted to have Jesus come into their life, and prayed with? None. Not a single soul. I have witnessed to a few people and I've prayed with people that made the choice at an event or a gathering of some kind. However, The few times I've asked if they wanted Jesus in their heart they already made that decision.
My biggest obstacle is fear. Their is no reason fear should rule in my life but I allow it to. USE TO. After the men's advance last weekend I realized what courage and compassion are. They involve action. Action is lacking in my life and the lives of a lot of men in this country. I believe this is why marriages are failing, children are disobedient, and the church is declining.
Fear should not rule our lives!! The enemy of our souls wants us to be dormant Christians, believing with no results. How close are we to depression, anger, addictions, and other unhealthy things that are 'easier' than dealing with the real problems we have?
I think it's time we took charge of our lives by surrendering them to Jesus Christ. He is the one with the plan. Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. John 14:6.
Jesus help us stop giving our authority to the devil. Remove the fear that grips our heart. Fill us with your Holy Spirit and all the fruit that will enable us to 'bring one to Jesus'. Amen.
by Aaron @ 10:19 PM 0 comments
Labels: Ministry, Real Life, Spiritual Growth
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Moms are important
Hearts At Home Ministry is a ministry for stay at home moms. The founder and director's name is Jill Savage. She was on 'Focus on the Family' March 4th and 5th. You may wonder why I would care about this since I'm not a mom nor a parent. Well, when I first heard this message I did not intend to listen because I usually change to a cd when the subject matter doesn't pertain to me. I was half listening to her message when I started to connect with what she was saying. She is a very good speaker and quite funny. I only heard the second day of two. So I downloaded the messages from Oneplace.com and listened. (click on the link to find it)
She challenges the opinion that stay at home moms are less of a person than a working one. She also tells of her own struggles of self worth and her place in this world. This is good stuff for a mom struggling with her career decisions and her position in the kingdom of God. Jill talks of the proper role of being a wife first and mom second. She also tells moms that their time with the children is short and you need to make the most of it. Moms are the primary influence for a short time, so their role is vital.
The second day Jill talks of maximizing moments. Her story was of the presidential inauguration. She had an appointment somewhere and the kids were asking a ton of questions of what was going on during this inauguration. She knew she had to get going but she knew this was important too. Her thought that kept her home was, "There won't be another inauguration for another 4 years and the kids will be in college by then." This was her moment to teach them or they would miss out.
Her other point was what her kids taught her. In the process of learning she talks about shooting up 'arrow prayers' to God. They are emergency prayers for wisdom in situations where moms need an answer fast. One example was when her child embarrassed her in a fancy restaurant. Her child said he had to go to the bathroom and he knew he had to go because he farted. He said it loud and people were staring! She asked God what to do. He was just a kid doing what a kid does. God told her, "Your value and self worth is not based on your child's behavior. It is based on who you belong to." God loves us. That doesn't change if our child misbehaves in public. I was listening real good after this. I heard what she said and I could apply it in so many other examples in my life. We must have a solid foundation in understanding our self worth and value. When we are dependent of the behavior of those around us for our self worth and value two things happen:
We can become controlling- we try to control the behavior around us so we look good.
We can become shaming- we shame others into compliance because of our embarrassment.
When our value is based on God it is stable, steady and dependable and it never changes. Depending on people for our self worth is like building on shifting sand.
Wow this hit's home. I remember times when I tried to get my wife to comply because she embarrassed me. There were times when we were alone and her words alone embarrassed me. She didn't mean any harm, I am just too sensitive about my role as husband and head of the household. I can be controlling. This is another new thing for me. She is the only one I am this way with. I have let my responsibilities wane and I make up for it by being a jerk. I am so glad that Jesus is changing me! I bet Kim is too!!
by Aaron @ 2:18 AM 2 comments
Labels: Ministry, Real Life, Spiritual Growth
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Blog World
I've been looking on the net for ways to increase hits on my blog. I also have been trying to find good Christian blogs. Here's what I've found out so far...
- Most of the Christian bloggers out there are women.
- Most of the Christian men bloggers are Pastors or Leaders in a church.
- There are very few Christian blogs with a charismatic view.
- There are not many with an everyday approach to living the Christian life.
- Most Christian blogs are religion specific, topic specific, or have mini novels for posts.
- All Christians are not the same.
I am not interested in gaining the most hits ever or care in the numbers. My goal is to encourage and uplift. If I make you think about your faith or lack there of differently, I am encouraged. I try to write as God impresses me. So far, so good. I love to write and find enjoyment ministering this way. I chose to talk in an everyday real life manner to expose my weakness and victories. I also write on my learning moments and how it applies to me. I do all this to help others improve and think correctly about themselves and their situations.
- II Sam. 19:7 Now go out and encourage your men.
- Job 16:5 But my mouth would encourage you; comfort from my lips would bring you relief.
- Romans 1:12 that you and I may be mutually encouraged by each other's faith.
- I Thess. 5:11 Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.
- I Thess. 5:14 And we urge you, brothers, warn those who are idle, encourage the timid, help the weak, be patient with everyone.
- Philemon 1:7 Your love has given me great joy and encouragement, because you, brother, have refreshed the hearts of the saints.
- Heb. 3:13 But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called Today, so that none of you may be hardened by sin's deceitfulness.
- Heb. 10:25 let us encourage one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.
by Aaron @ 2:58 PM 2 comments
Monday, March 17, 2008
I'm changing careers...I think
Before I start, I must say this was a past statement and I'm not changing careers.
It started about 17 months ago. I was concerned about my future finances. The stock market was frustrating me and the future of Chrysler (my employer) was iffy too. I read some rich guy books and began to accept the concept of starting my own business. I knew I could to it and I started a quest to learn everything I could. I bought books on cd, took a few courses on how to start your own business, I sought out and talked to people that started their own business, I watched shows that taught how to become successful, I researched for seminars and trade shows, the list goes on and on.
My decision was to become a wheelchair repairman. I took online courses and several company courses. I spent in the neighborhood of $2000 total in preparation to change careers. I thought I was doing everything right and following God's will for my life. At that time I was struggling with my walk with God. It was hard to hear His voice.
One day during the fall God said wait. So I did for a few days. Then I went right back at it. I learned the good things and the bad of the health care industry. There was just enough bad to not jump in with both feet. Government is involved and I hate doing taxes. The more I worked at changing careers, the more it felt wrong.
The rest of my life was suffering and I began to realize I needed to get things right. I tried but couldn't do much. Work stunk, kids ministry was a chore, my marriage was lousy, Bible reading rarely connected me to God or applied to life, and my attitude was negative. I was getting depressed and my health started to suffer as well. I had nobody I trusted enough to talk to about this. Things got bad enough that I realized I needed to change or die. I drew a line in the sand and told God, "No more, this has got to change." I wrote two friends and met another to spill my guts and beg for their prayers.
Soon after, I met with my pastors to let them know I was dropping out of kid's ministry and seeking the Lord for change in my life. I was hearing from God again and life was getting under control again.
Within weeks the Lord showed me I had a job and didn't need to change. I was out of his will and trying to control my life without Him. I was trying and thinking for myself and compromising what I thought God was saying.
'There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death.' Proverbs 14:12 & Proverbs 16:25. If you don't know what to do don't make something up, pray and see what God wants. He is in charge no matter what you think or feel.
by Aaron @ 12:48 PM 0 comments
Labels: Real Life
Sunday, March 16, 2008
This number is something that is stirring in the men's ministry in our church. The number comes from Genesis 14: 14-16 When Abram heard that his relative had been taken captive, he called out the 318 trained men born in his household and went in pursuit as far as Dan. During the night Abram divided his men to attack them and he routed them, pursuing them as far as Hobah, north of Damascus. He recovered all the goods and brought back his relative Lot and his possessions, together with the women and the other people. We are wanting to be a team of men that rescues men from their situations like they did for Abram's nephew Lot.
God is making us perfect. Hang on to this ride, it's going to be a white knuckle, hair raising, upset stomach, rush that we must stay focused on. The results of which will be life changing, utter joy and total contentment. We win. Satan loses. Amen.
by Aaron @ 3:13 PM 1 comments
Labels: Men
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Consider It Pure Joy
James 1: 2-4 Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. When I read these verses today I saw something different. When I went through the 'dry time' of two and a half years, I couldn't consider it 'pure joy'. I was in the wrong mind for one. For two, I saw no end, no work being finished. I felt alone and helpless.
I can now see God used that time to mature me and make me better so I can minister to others going through similar difficulties. I can feel 'pure joy' because I know God is maturing me and making me complete. That is hope! No matter what happens, no matter how bad, difficult, hard things become, God is with me and He's using the very thing that is trying to kill me (it feels that way sometimes) to mature me and make me better. I am becoming a mighty warrior, an effective minister, and a man of God. That is enough to give anybody joy. Change the way you think. Think like God. The now in our life is temporary. Our future is bright. Jesus already won the battle. We just need to walk in it, believe it, and act on it. Use the Word of God. It is a sword, a weapon. Fight for the victory because you will win.
I Cor. 15: 58 Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.
by Aaron @ 10:49 PM 0 comments
Labels: Spiritual Growth
Friday, March 14, 2008
Do What's Right
I am at a men's retreat and it is good. I'm connecting with a few guys I didn't know and some I do.
The message was very full of good information. 'Do what's right' is the crux of what the whole thing was about. Pastor La Fayette Scales told a story of a women that had health problems and her insurance ran out. She needed a surgery and the doctors came to the family and said, "What do you want us to do?" The family contacted the pastor and he told them to tell the doctors 'do what's right'.
Like the good Samaritan 'do what's right'. Pastor said we as men need to romance God and crush the enemy's head. We need to take charge of our home and crush every enemy that comes against the family. We need to take responsibility of the situations that need fixed. By default the responsibility is ours. The kids are too young, the wife is the weaker vessel, so the leadership or priest role is ours. As men we need wisdom, favor, and courage.
One big thing I learned tonight was compassion. Sympathy cries with someone but doesn't help them out of the ditch. Compassion does what needs done. Ouch! I'm a sympathyst. I don't get the job done. I tend to not help but cry with a person in need. God is really trying to change me big time!! How much more can I take? At least one more sermon! Tomorrow is day two here.
by Aaron @ 11:20 PM 0 comments
Labels: Men
Selfish, self-seeking, self-indulgence, need I go on? This is what I'm dealing with in this chapter of life right now. Wait, let me start at the beginning. As I've indicated on a previous post (Bang), 2008 is a year of change and renewal for me. In December I made a desperate cry to God and a few close friends. I asked for change. I needed to change or die. I was heading further and further away from God and contentment. I tried to live for God and I prayed for change but nothing seemed to work. Within a couple days, however, it began to turn around.
Early in February to present day God has been revealing my selfishness. Ugh!! This is painful and hard to live with. What do you do when God reveals that even your motives in ministry were selfish? Wow, that was hard to take!! I thought I was pretty unselfish. I am giving and do a lot for others.
It's not all bad. I wrote down three questions December 27th and by February 5th I had the answers.
- Do I have an important assignment for my life? -Yes
- Do I have close friends I can depend on to lift and encourage me when I'm weak? -Yes
- Am I anywhere near where I'm suppose to be? -Yes
So after getting my barrings back, I now have to deal with exposed selfishness issues. It all stems from wrong thinking. I found out yesterday how I could have hindered the growth of a family hearing from God. I feel terrible. I chose siding with man's ideas and feelings rather than God's. The best part is they chose God and I can change. If God reveals it He will fix it.
The change needs to be from thinking like a man to thinking like God. He is my provider, protector, sustainer, and guide. Thinking another way is a waste and gets you away from where you need to be. More to come...
by Aaron @ 2:49 PM 1 comments
Labels: Spiritual Growth
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
This is the key word for my success this year health wise. I have tried all kinds of diets, exercise programs, and fasting. All have ended eventually with me bigger than when I started. Way back in 1989 I lost a total of 100+ lb.s and kept it off for years. I gained it all back and then some do to bad choices. I lost that with basketball and eating right. I would always try to stay moving in some way.
This year I lost 25 lb.s with pure metabolism. Yes I also have been eating better. However, the way I chose to go about this was to look into what 'The Biggest Loser' had to say. I looked around to find some regiment or diet plan and really didn't find anything I could use. So I typed 'metabolism' into the search bar and read what showed up. I chose metabolism in particular because I felt this was the one area I was not utilizing.
It was the thing I had been hearing about but never trying. You eat 5 times a day to keep your metabolism up. By eating this way you are never overeating. Also, you lose weight while you sleep. Your body is still working whether you're awake or sleeping. Surprisingly, it has worked. I have yet to workout.
I have plateaued for the time being but last night on the show Jillian mentioned how our sleep is very important. We need that 8 hours to keep our metabolism going. I have not been doing so well as of late in this area. This is good news because I can fix it! I will begin working out when the weather finally warms up. I can take Kim with me because this is what she wants too. My goal is to weight 200 lb.s realistically. I was 175 lb.s in '89 but I was too skinny.
My health was a major reason I chose to do something. I was losing stamina, motion, and my breath. My body had things going wrong with it that scared me. How much more could it handle before it gave up? Now I have stamina to walk, motion to bend over and pick something up, and I can breath again. Working out is possible now. I might be able to keep up with the kids at Vacation Bible School this summer!
by Aaron @ 2:45 AM 1 comments
Labels: health
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
My Political Choice
George W. Bush is in his last year of office. We will vote in the next president in November. The primaries are winding down and our choices for the fall will soon be known. My choice is John McCain. He was my vote in February. I like his fieriness. I like his POW story- "But his claim to fame goes back to the Vietnam War. After being shot down, wounded and captured by the North Vietnamese army, he was offered an early spot in the prisoner exchange program after his captors identified him as the son of the US commander in the war. He declined and waited 5 more years for his proper turn." (Godvoter.org) I like his chances in the poles. I believe he will be able to work with both sides of the government to get policies we need passed. I would have chosen Ron Paul or Mike Huckabee if I felt they had a chance. I have watched for years primaries come and go. The only vote that makes a difference is a person well known and in the top three when Michigan gets to vote.
Yeah, I known all the negatives: his flipflop with abortion, the Mexican boarder thing & the illegal alien thing. I have taken the stance that I Timothy 2 tells us. 1I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone— 2for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. 3This is good, and pleases God our Savior, 4who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. 5For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, 6who gave himself as a ransom for all men—the testimony given in its proper time.
People always say it's our responsibility to vote. What do we do when there is nobody good left to vote for? John McCain is not perfect but he is the best choice left. Some people say they won't vote for a pro-choice guy. His vote was over 10 years ago for an abortion issue. What happen to forgiveness? Anyways getting back to I Timothy. It tells us to pray for our leaders so all will be well with us. If we pray God listens right? Who better to sway their vote someone who use to vote pro choice once or twice or Hilary or Obama? If we pray I believe McCain will make right choices.
Lou Engle started a group called 'The Call'. They were a group of young kids that learn about our government and prayed strategically for the policies and the leaders endorsing or voting on these policies. He also believes revival will come through the young people of this country. Anyways, the point I'm trying to make is God called us to pray for our leaders. He also appointed those leaders. Romans 13: 1- Let every person be loyally subject to the governing (civil) authorities. For there is no authority except from God [by His permission, His sanction], and those that exist do so by God's appointment. (Amplified version) So are job is to vote then pray for the winner.
I am not perfect in this area. Randy Richardville (our rep.) came up to our booth this weekend and said he wanted to thank us and he knows we pray for him. Well I felt guilty. I don't pray for our leaders enough. In fact, I know I complain more than pray. Now, I'm going to pray every time I complain. This will stop the bad and jump start the good.
O.K. am I all wet? Is there a better way I should look at this voting thing? Is voting for McCain right or wrong? Let me know. This post is based on the verses I quoted but the conclusion is me and I've been wrong before.
by Aaron @ 2:27 AM 0 comments
Sunday, March 9, 2008
It's finally over!!!
The Bedford Trade Fair is over!!!:-) All in all, this year was a success. I took over the fishing game as soon as I got there. Man I was generating the flow of people to the booth! I was having fun again. It was going so well, our workers couldn't keep up making the balloon animals (fish mainly). Margaret told me to stop bringing in so many people. Wow! John 7: 38 'Out of our belly shall flow rivers of living water'. When God gives we cannot contain it! Malachi 3:10 'see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it. With less than 2 hours to go I took a bathroom break, bought and ate a soft pretzel, and looked at all the other booths. I found some interesting things but overall it was just a walk. I did see several people I hadn't seen in a while, so that was cool.
We all went to Wendy's after the tear down was over. There was 7 of us. Our shirts were bright enough to glow in the dark. I think the people inside eating next to us were wearing sunglasses! We are pretty loud when we get together too. It was fun and 'It's finally over!'
Before this weekend I've been listening to the book of John on audio book. One verse stuck out and keeps coming back to me: John 7:18 'He who speaks on his own does so to gain honor for himself, but he who works for the honor of the one who sent him is a man of truth; there is nothing false about him.' I had made the comment that I was good at what I was doing and Mom said, "He's getting conceded over there." I responded, "I know what my gift from God is and it's God that's getting the glory. He is the reason I'm good because He's doing it." I love telling about my gifts God has given me. He is so cool. I am like Superman when He wants to use me. Bullets bounce off, I leap over tall buildings, I out run trains. (that's what it seems like anyways)
When you're in the middle of being used by God and results are happening at the same time, you know God wants more. God wants to touch as many as possible. You drop your insecurities and look for opportunities instead of waiting for them to come to you. You know God's doing something and what you're doing is it. Your confidence is through the roof and nothing is going to stop you. Yeah, Superman. Doing something because it's right and what you're called to do. It's pure bliss and nothing comes close. These times usually come by 'accident' and are far and few between. Yes ministry can be this way every week at church, but it can also become a routine that we just 'do'. Motions we carry out just to get through until next week. That was the rut I was in and I don't want to return to it.
This blog...am I speaking on my own? Am I seeking my own honor or the honor of the one who made me? It's for Him. Really, admitting my faults to encourage another don't sound like honor to me. It sound like some kind of complex! That is how my God works though, through weak vessels to show Himself strong.
1 Corinthians 1:27
But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong.
by Aaron @ 7:59 PM 1 comments
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Good Day!!
Day one went well. We had several workers to help. It started late because of the snow. We got there and all the doors were blocked off except one entrance. It was Kim (my wife), Mom (mother-in-law), and I. This is how it went... we parked by the door where our booth is set up. I suggested for me to go in and open the door by going around the long way. Mom says to back the van up and let Kim out. Kim is in a wheelchair and our ramp is on the side. So we do it Mom's way. The three of us go to the door in a blowing snowstorm and the ramp is blocked so Kim heads off to the main entrance. Mom and I are outside the door knocking waiting for somebody to let us in. No such luck. We call Margaret (GERT's founder and sister to Kim) and she doesn't pickup. Mom says to go and let her in. The door's blocked off like I said earlier. No in or out. Back around to get Mom and by the time I got there she was freezing. We got the wheelchair for her because her health has become a hindrance. The long walk was going to be too much for her.
Getting over that, we joined the others. We started the fishing game, making balloon animals, taking pictures, and greeting the visitors. I was put on several jobs that I just did. However, when I was put on the fishing game it was my gift. I just connect with kids and it's fun. When it came time to leave I actually didn't want to go. I was doing what God created me to do.
I saw several people I knew from church and a few from the other areas of life. One boy must really miss me. He asked me when I was coming back to class for the second time. I dropped out of Royal Rangers (an Assembly of God Boy Scouts program) before Christmas. I was led by God to do this and it changed my life for the better. I was a RR leader since 2000. It was a difficult transition. I didn't think I made much of a difference this year. My spiritual life was a wreck and I was just going through the motions. The boys didn't seem connected to me like years past. Funny how the little stuff we do does count...good or bad. Why does this boy want me back? Why not just move on like every other situation when this happens? I must have been some kind of influence to him.
Moving on, I saw a family that left our church a couple years ago. It was so good to see them! I was the leader for two of their boys. They needed a man to be there for them and God set me up! I was in over my head with the boy they adopted from a different country. He was taken off the streets at the age of 5 or 6. He did whatever it took to take care of his sister and himself. He didn't adjust well to moving here and living in a house. He needed help none of us could give but I know I made a difference in that boy's life. He felt my love for him. I made sure he didn't hurt the other boys and that no one hurt him. The other boy had an abusive father that left them. I took him to the fair a couple times and spent time with him. I hear he's playing three instruments, getting all a's and b's, and hunting with a gun and a bow! I was so glad to hear how well everybody was doing.
I guess the moral to this day is that we should 'choose life'. I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life. Deut. 30: 19. Every opportunity set before us effects somebody else's life. Yikes! Can I keep this in mind when I am irritated? Lazy? In a hurry? Only with God's help.
by Aaron @ 6:07 PM 0 comments
Labels: GERT
I thought I'd share this year's theme for the trade show. "Fishers of Men". The verse is I John 3: 18. The interpretation of this verse is written on our shirts- 'He saw the interruptions in His life as divine opportunities to show God's love to people in desperate need.' The big words at the top are 'Jesus stopped......' This is so cool and appropriate. This is what GERT tries to be all about. If only I lived out my life this way...
by Aaron @ 10:40 AM 0 comments
Labels: GERT
Friday, March 7, 2008
Bedford Trade Fair
Well this is the weekend of the Bedford trade fair. It is an annual event that puts all the area businesses in one place and they give out free stuff, information, and have raffles. I'll be working at my sister- in-law's table. She has a ministry called G.E.R.T. Ministries. God's Emergency Response Team. We support local homeless, elderly, hungry, and even an animal shelter. We also travel to disaster sites to assist the victims in their time of need. This has involved fires, floods, tornadoes, and hurricanes. I personally have been to Florida (Hurricane Charlie), West Virginia (Fire), Ohio (floods, tornadoes), and locally for food and gifts deliveries and volunteering at an animal shelter cleanup. I also help advertise, pack for trips, make up literature, and any other odd jobs that help out.
This is two whole days standing telling people all about the ministry. Loooong days. We usually get a few people that are interested. We also get to entertain the kids with a game and a person dressed up in a costume. At least we make them remember us.
Set up took three hours. Now the standing and greeting part. I prayed for us to impact our area so more people see what we're all about. The more people know the more they'll want to get involved. (money or physically)
by Aaron @ 11:39 PM 0 comments
Labels: GERT
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Spring's coming!! (I hope:~))
Today I hurt. I went out the door at work Tuesday mourning and about 5 steps away from my car I fell. Some black ice was in my path and I was transferring my bag from one arm to the other to get my keys when I stepped on it. I had literally no time to react. Bam, I hit my shin and calf the worse. God made it better because I landed partially on my bag. I was in pain then but it felt better later on.
That night when I was getting ready for work it started to ache a little. It still was no big deal. I took the night off from work because the ice/ snow storm was terrible just walking to my car and I knew there was no chance of getting to work on time. (This is the time frame I started this blog)
Well, later the next night I got up for work and could barely walk. I was sore from shoveling snow but the brunt of the pain was from the fall. At work it was one job after another and I stayed sore all night.
Now I hurt. I took some Tylenol and feel some relief but I need sleep. I haven't been doing so well with my spiritual disciplines either. Funny how everything happens at once. I begin reading or praying and a couple minutes later I'm sawing wood. (Zzzzz) It'll get better... Spring's coming. Right????
Psalm 3:3 "But You, O LORD, are a shield about me, My glory, and the One who lifts my head.
by Aaron @ 12:18 PM 0 comments
Labels: Real Life
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Well I had to start this thing off someway! Why start a blog? For me: to keep a journal of life. For everybody else: encouragement, humor, or just plain entertainment. Life has ups and downs. I just want to stay focused on what really matters. God created us for His plan on this earth and then for heaven. We can try to see if the guy with the most toys wins or we can live for the Lord. Staying focused involves responsibility, selflessness, discipline, and many other attributes that most people don't feel necessary to live by. To make a difference in life these attributes need to be second nature to us. My life thus far has fallen far short of these attributes.
However, 2008 has proven to be a year of change. I have lost 25 lb.s, changed my eating habits, re-connected with God in a real and powerful way, dropped the idea of starting my own business, and started several other things that will improve my life. Really, the direction from here is in His hands. My selfish ways have gotten me depressed, overweight, antisocial, away from God, into marital conflict, lazy, self-centered, and into debt. What started out as the safe and easy road has turned into the road to death. Until I started changing (with God's help and direction) I was dying. My life was hindered physically, mentally, spiritually, and socially. I would cry out to God with no results. I had heard some things that mattered and then I would just go back to my selfish ways. Until I 'confessed' or admitted my lowly state to a few good friends and asked for their prayers God finally made the light come on. I saw my life for what it really was and easily changed it because He was helping and guiding me. The things I tried the hardest to do and could not God did within a couple weeks. Life is not all peaches and cream but at least I know where my answers lie. There must be less of me and more of Jesus.
by Aaron @ 3:12 AM 0 comments
Labels: Spiritual Growth