Today's review is on 'The Secret Things of God-Unlocking the Treasures Reserved For You' by Henry Cloud. He is a psychologist and writes from this perspective with his faith. This book is a Christian answer to Rhonda Byrne's 'The Secret'. -"In that book, Byrne explores our relationship to the universe and how understanding what lies beyond the veil drastically affects our lives, relationships, and goals. The fact that millions have responded to The Secret shows the deep hunger we all have for two things: one, we all want to understand the nature of the universe and those things beyond what we can see; and, two, we all have a hunger for principles and practices that make life work."
He bases this book on I Corinthians 4:1 'Regard us... as those entrusted with the secret things of God.' He starts out with his testimony, others he influenced and how it changes his approach to presenting God, and how he learns what is in us. He goes through many hangups we have and how to get past them. Many of them have to do with our upbringing.
I listened to the unabridged audio book. The first cd is boring and goes through how this book came about. A lot of it is stuff you already know. Then he moves on to the actual 'secrets' and you hear the psychobabble... or so I thought. I am not into the psychological answers but spiritual. However the more I listened to him the more God worked in my heart and showed me stuff in my life that needs fixed and how the stuff got there. The timing for this book in my life was perfect because I'm willing to hear from God to make my life more like Jesus. I listened to the third cd three times and still need to listen to it again to grasp all the stuff in it to change the patterns in my life.
I almost stopped listening after the first cd. That would have been a colossal mistake. Read/listen to this book, it will show you how far you've come, need to go, and deceived you have let yourself become.
The secrets involve your relationship to God and others such as trust, happiness, thoughts, freedom, pain, forgiveness, applying the Word, choices/lessons, listening, anger, purpose, accomplishment, intimacy, and guilt.
This book in bringing us to 'unlocking the treasures reserved for us' is really bringing us to God and in doing so makes us change, grow, look at ourselves, and face the truth, accept it, or reject it. To fulfill our true purpose here on earth we need real relationships with each other and most importantly with God. Living a secluded life guessing at what it's all about leaves us deceived and unhappy. However like the reason this blog exists, we can be open and honest to fix the problems and become who God made us to be.
I rate this book 10 out of 10. You cannot read through this book without being changed or at least in a position to do so. You may be faced with uncomfortable things you need to look at in your life, but in doing that you grow closer to God and have peace and contentment afterwards.
6 years ago
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