Sharon Snavely (administrator of the Assembly of God Blogs-blogring) has a mother in the hospital that has been losing blood and having emergency surgery for the past three days. She is 67 years old and on medications for her heart that complicates all this. She has literally been fighting for her life. Please pray. To read more go here and Jenni (Sharon's sister) will fill you in with her blog. Pray for Sharon and her dad for strength and peace through this. Pray, pray, pray. God will fix her, help it be today!

Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Alright, this was copied mostly from an email, then edited, and posted much later than the post time. It is funny how God puts the puzzle pieces together when I am 'writing in the Spirit'. This is the second time I've received clarity when I was writing an email to encourage another. God moves in mysterious ways and ways we know not of. He moves when we don't expect it. He's moving when we don't realize it. While we're spinning our wheels, His plan is moving right on schedule.
Anyways, here's my epiphany:
I have been reading other blogs and talking to relatives. In doing that I have had numerous prayer requests come in and the blahs of not wanting to pray or feelings like God would not even listen because of my lack of effort in my relationship with Him lately. Well after some prayer and thought about it. I realized it was an attack to stop me from praying! My job as a Christian is to encourage and pray. Praying is way harder than encouraging for me when I am less than motivated. My prayers are important and God hears them and He answers them. Lately He's answered many of them. The enemy wants that to stop so he's turned up the heat and weakened me spiritually and physically.
When our eyes are on other stuff rather than Jesus, our perspective is skewed and the devil has ground to emphasize the wrong stuff while we are 'confused' about what we perceive as the truth around us. We tend to believe the lies because they are familiar.
Rom. 12:2-3 'Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. For by the grace given me I say to every one of you: Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgment, in accordance with the measure of faith God has given you.'
We become untransformed when we get the 'don't feel like its'. I guess the answer to being blah about God is to pray. Act on the mustard seed faith you still have and trust He will respond. The other answer or additional answer is to read His word. I am amazed at what a 'David heart' does to the hand of God. It moves in your life like you know it can but still you don't expect it to. For some reason we have it ingrained in us that we are not worthy and He is hindered by our imperfection.
I was even getting life threatening requests. How can you not pray when you get a request like that? The verse that says 'your prayers will be hindered' comes to mind for why we think God won't answer us. I need to investigate this further!
Funny how when you cry out for help from God and others, He answers you and gives you peace.
I was praying because they needed prayer and this is what I do. I might not have felt like it but I did it anyways believing God heard and answered my prayers. In this action God was confirming my gift and showing me I need to pray because He will answer those prayers. When my job is to pray, God gives opportunities to pray.
I almost forgot tomorrow is the National Day of Prayer. Pray. Pray in numbers. God answers group prayers. The more crying out to Him the faster He moves.
by Aaron @ 1:03 PM 0 comments
Labels: Deep Thoughts, Desire to Live Right, God Moment, My Walk, Prayer, Spiritual Growth
Quiet Time
Alright, I'm going to be open and honest here hoping I get some advice. I spent a great deal of time away from the Lord the past two years. I realize that the best way to stay close to the Lord is to spend time with Him. This is also the best way to hear His voice and be led by Him throughout the day. I pray better and know when and how to pray. Life is super when this is happening.
Now when this is not happening, life is difficult and you tend to become self-centered. I have found that it is easier to fall from temptation at this time also. I really hate living this way...good for a couple weeks and blah for the next. I love the Lord with my whole heart and strive to be like Him in every way. How do I keep from not reading the Bible, using time as an excuse for not spending time with Him, and not falling into temptation. I can become so easily entangled when I just don't feel like fighting against every thing that comes against me.
So, how do you spend time with God? How do you keep from letting time get in the way? How do you fight the 'I don't feel like it'? I want to be like David- A man after God's own heart. I fail too often. I want the Holy Spirit to rise up within me and fight off all evil. He will never leave me or forsake me. I will prevail in my pursuit of His kingdom. However consistency is what I strive for now. To live for Jesus in every step, thought, and breath. My heart aches to be in His presence.
by Aaron @ 2:38 AM 2 comments
Labels: Desire to Live Right, My Walk, Real Life
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Prayer Kick
I am on a prayer kick! God is so awesome! I talked face to face with my friend today about his dad and their time together. God has started something there. We'll get to see his salvation before too long! Victory was the battle cry heard when my friend left for home. He was fighting even going because he wasn't sure if it was right. He talked to someone to encourage him and followed his heart. The door was open to share with his dad and he felt much ground was covered or recovered to build on their relationship.
We had mentioned prayer and how people see it as a token or a last resort. It is so much more than that! It is a weapon. It is a weapon against our enemy that gives us an advantage before we even start to fight. We have favor and wisdom to act and react to attacks and surprises. Prayer is our confidence that the Lord fights our battles for us. Prayer is our hope where there is no hope.
Prayer should be the first thing we do. I Thess. 5: 17- 'pray continually.' Prayer should be done all the time. Prayer is also communion with God. As we live out our day we need to reconnect directly to God for direction and help.
Well, I heard on Focus on the Family and our Pastor that the national day of prayer is next Thursday, May first. It is important that God's people gather together and pray. Prayer in union with other Christians is powerful. This year is a vital year for elections and rulings in state and federal courts. We need to influence our political system through communication with our representatives and our God. God appoints our leaders and can control their decisions. By praying, as a body especially, we can influence our leaders. Please make an effort to find a place that will pray May 1st. Then go and pray. God hears our prayers and answers them.
by Aaron @ 12:05 AM 3 comments
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Answered Prayer Too
Well the goodness of God continues! While at work last night I realized what His word was for me this morning. I Thess. 5:17- Pray continually. This was a very short word and I didn't see the application until 14 hours later. Wow! The words in this case mean pray without ceasing. Pray and don't give up. There were times I remembered the situation and had no words to pray. I didn't feel like praying. I didn't want to pray because I was hurt and didn't see any answer in sight. Day after day and no peep of results. Nada, Zippo, Nothing. I prayed anyways. I cared for them and believed God beyond my belief. God changed all that in one instant! He is a BIG God!!!
Reflecting back on answered prayer after remembering this morning's word, I remembered other major prayers that were answered recently. Somebody was misdiagnosed with a disease and could not receive health insurance because of it. I prayed for a new test to prove they didn't have this disease. Within a week's time a test result came back declaring no disease!! I knew nothing of the test beforehand either!! Their high blood pressure was normal too (another answered prayer)!
I also have a friend that has a dad in the hospital with colon cancer. Their relationship hasn't been very good neither. This past weekend the surgery was found to be a success (test results still pending) and they had the best father-son time together ever while he visited.
We serve an awesome God!! Do not give up on your prayers. God is bigger than any disease, offense, sin, or problem! Hang in there and you too will see the glory of God!
by Aaron @ 11:57 AM 0 comments
Labels: Deep Thoughts, God Moment, Prayer, Spiritual Growth
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Answered Prayer
I had an answer to prayer walk in my house today. I've been praying for someone for all of this year. The story has been up, down, to hopeless. I had given up all but the slimmest hope of God fixing this person's heart. They were acting selfish and didn't seem to want to get help or seek for the right answers for their life. They gave up responsibilities that were important, probably their job, and were hanging with the wrong crowd.
Through fellow family members I found out most of my information because they didn't want to talk or share anything. The last real 'talk' we had I was lied to (so I had thought). This hurt pretty bad because our relationship has always been one where I felt they could share anything and I would not judge or put them down.
I prayed in the beginning very fervently for this whole situation. I would literally cry myself to sleep because they meant that much to me and I couldn't bear the thought of them turning their back on their spouse, kids, me and the Lord. I continued to pray even after the supposed lies they had said. It hurt and changed my perspective of them. Time after time I heard of no change. It was getting worse. My hope of seeing or hearing this situation ever turning around was so low I almost forgot about them just so I could handle the stress of it all.
However, God's answer to prayer walked though my door today and I was flabbergasted, blown away, dumbstruck and in total awe of what has and was happening. They turned their life around and were giving the marriage, kids, and God a try again. I was so happy!!
In conversation, I had mentioned the lies and they said that they did not lie and to call them for information next time! Much of what I heard was overblown or wrong. Normally I don't rely on hearsay at all, but I didn't have anyway of contacting them and they meant more to me than just some person. I needed information for prayer after all! Lame excuse. I believed the half truths and the 'lies' over what God could do. Faith is to stand on what God says. I was believing in hearsay and fear. God is so good. He reconciled this situation and taught me a lesson at the same time.
God recently also had me pray for someone with a physical problem that was misdiagnosed. This record did not allow them to get health insurance. So I prayed for the diagnosis to be reversed and within one week it was! There is a process to undo the health records yet but I'm praying for that as well.
With two major prayers answered with a short period of time my faith is flying high!! God is the answer for everything no matter how impossible or bleak things may 'seem'. Pray and believe then wait and see how God will do it. He will you know. Waiting may take a while but: 'Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.'- Gal. 6:9
by Aaron @ 3:54 PM 1 comments
Labels: Choices, God Moment, Prayer
Selfless Love
Just a short note to share some good stuff happening in this world. Patti (fellow blogger) goes to a church in North Carolina that started something called 'Revolutionary love'. They go around and pay for someone else's meal or bill in stores, restaurants, or just in public somewhere. They also give them a card saying why this is being done with an invite to their church. It is a great idea and should be shared. So this is why I'm blogging it. Click HERE to read all about it. You will be blessed!
by Aaron @ 3:03 AM 3 comments
Labels: Ministry
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Surprise, You Still Got It!
I was just remembering last night at church. I was talking to a friend when he wigged out and handed me a card to pick up his son in children's church. He was going into a meeting and didn't want to keep the guys longer than need be. So I went back and picked up his son. I handed the children's pastor the card and told him his dad wanted me to pick him up because he was in a meeting. He said no big deal and called him to leave. The son looked at me with a puzzled look and I said the same thing again to him. He just looked at me and asked when his dad would be done and I told him. He was just standing there so I told him to "leave, you're free do whatever you want." I didn't think nothing of it but he looked at me like I was still his teacher, with all that trust and willingness to follow my lead. God is so good!! I forgot last night how much God used to and still is using me with kids. My mind was on the mistakes our youth pastor was making in his sermon. Then I was getting somebody else's kid. (something I never did) I was nervous the pastor wouldn't let him go because of the policy they have. I see the trust Pastor has in me too. It's good to be me!! I guess I feel like I have to prove myself everywhere I go. Oh no, God moment. God just revealed to me that I not only need reassurance or acceptance (something I just had revealed to me a month ago) but I need to prove my worth. Whoa, I knew I had issues with not being good enough in the world but in church too? God is still fixing me. I am changing and nothing is stopping the process this time!
by Aaron @ 1:07 PM 0 comments
Labels: God Moment, Spiritual Growth
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
God's Will
Life has been hard to handle lately. I had taxes to do which is a big deal to me. Can I say that I hate doing taxes? I would rather get a root canal. I have three months of mail to catch up on. My wife is 'cleaning' and is constantly needing assistance. I will be cleaning now also (now that taxes are done). God's been using me quite a bit to encourage a family to stay on track. In order to do much of what I've done, I have lost sleep. I also use the internet (too much) to read and research stuff. I would be way behind if I just went to sleep when I should.
Well, dealing with all this stuff leaves little time for God. I seem to get going and time just flies by. God is left behind for 'important stuff'. I have been trying to hear Him lately and live in faith. It gets difficult to know what God wants in a given situation if we don't communicate with Him like we should. Sometimes He's really clear and other times you're saying "huh?"
I posted earlier in 'Selfish Update' that I was going to live a risky faith filled life being led by the Holy Spirit. I have been successful so far on this endeavor. However, a line has been crossed that is hard to recover from. To walk in faith involves doing things you don't normally do. It also puts relationships at risk. People could start to look at you funny (or funnier than normal!). You have to take inventory of why you're doing what you are doing. You have to weigh personal comfort and safety against risking it all for the will of God.
The line that has been crossed is the possibility of being wrong, more specifically being wrong with a friend's life. I reflected on the consequences of a possible error on my part, when stepping out in faith. The results were not good. My heart grew heavy and fear tried to step in. I haven't let myself go there until then because walking in risk taking faith is scary enough. Why ponder the possible bad outcome to increase the intensity of taking the action you believe is what God wants? God gives you strength to walk in faith and do it easily. When you take that first step of risking it all, it just gets easier after that because the results encourage you to follow God consistently. You get favor, direction, results, etc. You feel confident and you look for people to help.
OK, what if I'm wrong? What if I chose something that wasn't meant for a family at this time? What if my decision sets them back financially for years to come? Is the risk worth taking in that scenario? Yes the bottom line is it's their decision to make but my encouragement for them to walk in faith is defiantly a factor. I could be held accountable in their eyes. I could lose their friendship. All my trust in them that I allowed to happen, after many relationships of broken trust, could be annihilated. This would be a devastating blow emotionally that I don't know if I could recover from. All this risk just to try and follow God.
Well, to determine if the risk is worth it, I think you need to find the answer in the Bible. Who took risks that changed the world (or their's alone)? Can't you come up with more names than you have fingers and toes? There is: Noah, Abraham, Joseph, Moses, Gideon, David, Esther, Daniel, Jonah and Jeremiah just in the Old Testament. How about Just Jesus? Name the risks He took confronting the religious leaders of His day, clearing the temple, preaching of eating His flesh and blood, etc. Jesus had all His friends abandon Him. He lost everything even His life. Was it worth it? Was it worth losing everything to live in God the Father's will? I have to say yes, emphatically yes!! His death is our salvation. We no longer get what we deserve (the wages of sin is death). We gain eternal life. In His leaving we received the Holy Spirit and all His gifts (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control). What did He get? Jesus got to return to His father. He also took back all the authority He laid down in coming to earth. He sits in the judgment seat ready to judge the whole earth. His name is above all names. The list goes on and on.
This is how He wants us to live: risky and passionate. Although this lifestyle is a little nerve racking, I believe the good far outweighs the bad. If we don't do what the Holy Spirit is guiding us to do and protect our reputation, our money, our job, our plan, etc., we will never truly see the glory of God until we get to heaven. I will risk it all for you Jesus.
by Aaron @ 12:49 AM 1 comments
Labels: Choices, Deep Thoughts, My Walk, Real Life, Spiritual Growth
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Holy Spirit Nudge
Do you get those nudges that tell you, "Hey you're going off that narrow path again."? Well for the longest time I didn't. I was already off the path and hard-hearted enough that I no longer heard from God or felt any nudge. My sights were all for me and every bit of my energy was being wasted on what I wanted. I only felt a nudge when my wife was doing the nudging! It usually takes a lot for her to nudge too.
I said "no" to the Holy Spirit enough times to where He didn't respond to my off 'pathness'. Now I welcome His correction. To know He loves me enough, that He want me to change, is awesome!
I've signed up for Facebook and MySpace recently and I am hooked! I can check up on people all the time, do the little games they have, trivia, send notes, send gag gifts, and all sorts of fun stuff. Well my wife tells me that when I get involved in something I go overboard. I do! I did. Hence the nudging. Well I'm being nudged right now so I'll end this.
Listen to the nudging before you don't hear or feel Him anymore.
by Aaron @ 1:29 PM 3 comments
Labels: Choices, My Walk, Real Life, Spiritual Growth
Friday, April 4, 2008
Men and God
by Aaron @ 1:26 PM 1 comments
Labels: Connecting, Men
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Blog Party!
You're invited!! Yes you can go to a Blog Party and check out all the members of the Assembly of God Blog. Click on the icon to the right and join in. You don't have to be an Assembly of God member to go to the party but if you want to join the blog ring, you do.
You can find Christians that believe like you and want to share their walk and encourage you.
All across the world are church members. Why not have them come to a place where they can find answers to life's problems, encouragement in knowing somebody messed up just like you, devotions to keep you on the right track, a funny story to pick up your day and make you smile, and so many other things that a Christian soul needs from other Christians.
The owner of the Assembly of God Blog Ring is Sharon Snavely. She is from a small town in Indiana and is a pastor's wife with three children. This is her dream and you can help build upon it.
So at least click on the party icon to the right and check it out. We all need variety in our church. Think of the variety we can have here...
WAIT A MINUTE!!! I didn't mention there are prizes!!! Yeah free stuff. Like good free stuff! You have to put the icon on your blog, write one post about it, and sign the list and you're in the drawing for many good, no really good prizes. You are reading this right? That means I could get one of those prizes!! Wait if you join the party my chances go down on winning something. Hey, if you win we got to share it OK?
by Aaron @ 5:42 AM 1 comments
Labels: Connecting
Selfish Update
I posted earlier about God revealing the selfishness in my heart. I have to update that now. I had found that the cause of selfishness is from man thinking and not God thinking.
Well I've tried it and have had some great results. In fact the family I almost hindered from growing spiritually is the one I did some God thinking with. I actually thought like a man and realized that it was wrong. So, the only other choice I had left was to think like God. So, I did. I looked at the situation and saw an impossible mountain to climb for one family on their own and I asked myself what does God want here? God wants the impossible to be possible and He wants us to continue on as if the situation has already been taken care of. He wants us to walk in faith with confidence that He is doing what He said He would do.
I am very pleased to say God gave me the words to say and the scriptures to back up His plan. They believed in those words and have already blessed people from them. Also, they are taking a giant leap forward in their faith to do what God has called them to do even when the way seems insurmountable.
I also have been hearing God's still small voice once again. I have been walking in faith and stepping out to do things I had thought were too risky instead of not doing them at all. Is that not what the enemy of our soul wants from us? To be safe and sound and not do anything for God? Action not Words. That was a Def Leppard song. A rock band got it right. I think we can too.
by Aaron @ 1:21 AM 0 comments
Labels: Choices, My Walk, Spiritual Growth