Here is the inaugural prayer in case you didn't see it. There was a controversy brewing if he would say the name of Jesus or not. As you will hear, he not only says His name, he says it in several languages. BAM!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Rick Warren Prayer
by Aaron @ 5:41 AM 1 comments
Labels: Politics, Prayer, Real Life, State of the Country
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
I starting reading the book by Jill Austin titled: 'Dancing With Destiny' and found a good forward by Dutch Sheets. He is the senior pastor @ Springs Harvest Fellowship in Colorado Springs, Colorado and an author. Here is his explanation of the word 'destiny'. I hope you find it as interesting as I did:
"The New Testament Greek word for 'destiny,' proorizo, is filled with hope. The root, horizo, gives us our word horizon; the prefix means 'in advance.' God has planned a future for us, determining our horizons before we were ever born (see Psalm 139:13-16). This does not mean everything that occurs in our lives is preplanned by God; He does not cause us to sin, fail or experience devastation just so He can give us a testimony. But it does mean He has a finish line in mind for us and a preordained way of recovery when forces try to derail us."
I always saw destiny as our calling or heaven. When he said it means 'filled with hope' I automatically figured out destiny is not the future but today. We live out our destiny today. My destiny is to minister to children. I am doing that today and not looking to 'someday when I'm good enough'. My destiny is heaven. I asked Jesus in my heart and He is guiding me on that path that leads me home to heaven. I can be ready anytime for Jesus to take me home because I follow Him. I am not perfect but He is fixing me as He sees fit.
Destiny can be seen on the horizon and lived out today until the two meet. Are you living your destiny today or waiting for someday?
by Aaron @ 8:13 AM 1 comments
Labels: Book review, Choices, My Walk, Real Life
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Word Of The Year
I got this idea from Pastor Deanna Shrodes @ Lifetime Intimate Portrait. She got it from her friend who got it from... You take a long look at your life and pick one word that is a theme for 2009. You don't just pick one that you want. Let God guide you. Talk to a close friend. Find where you are and where God is taking you. What is the theme God is wanting you to strive for and focus on this year?
Last year my word was change. It just kept happening...change again and again. I noticed it about half way through the year. I didn't even think about it.
This year I found this idea to be good and I am up for the challenge. What is my word for this year? I took a week to figure it out. I knew my devotion and passion was lacking. I know I want to do what is right but the motivation to follow through with that wanting is the part I have the most difficulty with. I learned a lot last year and I know God wants to continue in that vein. I backed off a lot of things just to look and listen to find out what was the right thing to do for that situation. I became more of an observer than a reactor. It was a good thing but it carried over into all of my life and left me lethargic. Surprise I needed to change.
So what is that word? What's the theme for 2009? Passion? Devotion? After much time in thought and reflection I came up with "follow". If I just follow Him all will be well. I also needed to follow some people in my life. I tried some things in my life my way and it didn't work out so well. It seems to fit exactly where God has me and is leading me. Lead me I will follow, right?
It was my word until my first service back with the kids. It's been one year since I had any ministry with kids and two years since children's church. Except for forgetting or not knowing their names, it felt like I never left. God is good. The message was about giving to God and the 'Big Idea' was 'Give to God and He'll give to you.' It talked about excelling in all areas of life. We can live barely getting by or we can excel to be the best. I know it sounds like a commercial or a marketing campaign of some kind but with God we can excel in life. He expects us to be more than barely getting by. This lesson spoke to me loud and clear. I need to excel in life. I barely get by in so many areas. I know God wants my very best, not some made up plan by me but to follow Him in His. He'll supply all we need.
So my theme, my word is "excel". In 2009 God is calling me to excel, to be and do better. The verse for our lesson was Luke 6:38 "Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." God wants me to give more, to give it all I got. Not in my strength but His. It's by our fruit we are judged. The fruit tells you about the tree. Matthew 12: 33 (Message)
by Aaron @ 8:17 AM 2 comments
Labels: Desire to Live Right, Devotion, Ministry, My Walk, Real Life, Responsibility
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Save me
I was reading Psalm 69 yesterday and it spoke some reality to me. It is vividly descriptive and pretty accurate to today's surroundings. It is a picture of how David feels with his enemies hot on his trail. I know I found somethings in there I could relate to and thought you might also.
Here are the first four verses:
1 Save me, O God,
for the waters have come up to my neck.
2 I sink in the miry depths,
where there is no foothold.
I have come into the deep waters;
the floods engulf me.
3 I am worn out calling for help;
my throat is parched.
My eyes fail,
looking for my God.
4 Those who hate me without reason
outnumber the hairs of my head;
many are my enemies without cause,
those who seek to destroy me.
I am forced to restore
what I did not steal.
I find these two things in life to be very difficult sometimes. I'm sure David felt pretty bad too considering he compared his situation to drowning and exhaustion. This is where we need to put our trust is God's promise of revenge and that He'll take care of all our needs. To take your situation and just ignore the wrong done to you is very difficult unless you truly trust in Him. He really is our provider. He can replace stolen things or use a situation to speak to another because of your attitude being displayed.
I think we can be encouraged by these verses just because it was David speaking these things to God. He was the man after God's own heart, after all. So if you're feeling overwhelmed or exhausted continue to call out to God because He is there and He wants to take care of you. He can fix anything and give you peace before you even see any change. Trust Him.
by Aaron @ 8:05 AM 1 comments
Labels: Application, Biblical Insight, Choices, Faith, Real Life
Sunday, January 11, 2009
1st Meme
Well...I don't like these very much but I thought it would be a great way to share some of my life with those that care or don't know much about me. I got this 'meme' and award from Pastor Deanna Shrodes from the blog 'Lifetime Intimate Portrait'. She has one of the best blogs around so check it out.
Here's the award:
The meme consists of 7 things about me in 6 categories. So lets get this over with!
- Seven things I did before:
- I worked as a caddy for a summer at Inverness in Toledo, Ohio. This is the course that has the Jamie Farr Classic.
- I worked at Burger King.
- I worked at a glass factory cutting, washing and packing glass. I met my future sister-in-law here and she eventually introduced me to my wife to be.
- I worked at a loading dock loading/unloading semi trailors driving a forklift.
- I worked as a roofer's helper one summer. Wow it is hot on a roof!
- I worked in the sheet metal trade. We worked in factories, buildings, businesses, and other types of buildings like nursing homes.
- I worked as a line worker at Chrysler on a welder before my current position as Electrician.
- Seven things I do now:
- January 17th I'll rejoin the KidzZone team after a two+ year break. This is my church's children's church. It will be the kickoff to our third service, which is a Saturday.
- I work at Chrysler as an electrician. I have been there 15 years, 13 as an electrician.
- I serve on my church's Missions Awareness Team. We set up trips, distribute the money that comes in to the missionaries we support, and vote on what missionaries to support.
- I blog, have a Facebook, and a MySpace. I don't really use my MySpace much anymore.
- I encourage everybody I can. This is one of the gifts God gave me and many have told me I'm good at it. I think it's easy. You just have to listen and care.
- I try to grow from every situation. If I can get any wisdom from something I go through I will try to evaluate it and see what is the right thing to do. Sometimes this involves looking back at the past and seeing it from a new perspective.
- I watch game shows. I love games and guessing the answers. I don't think I'm smart enough to win but I would love to go on one someday. I also am not too good under pressure.
- Seven things I would like to do:
- Travel!!! I love going to places I've only seen in a picture.
- Going on missions trips. I know this sounds like the same thing but there is a big difference. You are helping someone on the other side of the world.
- Retire! I have to say this because it's true. I just had a month off and I still couldn't catch up on everything. I like my job but I would like to do something more satisfying in life.
- Learn woodworking. I have a desire to make furniture and stuff made out of wood. My grandpa did a little woodworking but it didn't leave an impact on me or did it?
- I would like to lose a lot of weight. I have lost weight a couple times in my life but I eventually gained it back.
- I love photography, so I would love to invest in some telephoto lenses and classes. I would also like to take trips just to take photographs.
- I would like to be independently wealthy and give to everyone I knew needed help. I love giving. It really gives me the most pleasure to give something that somebody really needs or wants.
- Seven things that attract me to my wife:
- Her smile:)
- Her love for photography.
- Her independence.
- She loves me.
- She listens to me.
- Her eyes.
- Her love for Jesus.
- Seven of my favorite foods:
- Pizza
- Subs with a lot of meat
- Lasagna
- Steak/prime rib
- Seafood: shrimp, fish, lobster, crab legs
- Fettuccine Alfredo
- Chocolate!
- Seven things I say most often:
- This one will be difficult! I use quotes from movies a lot. I will use one for a while then a new one comes along.
- "Forgive me"
- "Where's the remote?"
- "What day is it?"
- I call dumb people on TV "Idiot" a lot.
- "Lord, help me."
- "...and a large Dr. Pepper."
by Aaron @ 11:50 AM 2 comments
Labels: Meme
Saturday, January 10, 2009
I Found Love
I'm sitting here incapacitated after slipping on some ice yesterday. However, I am doing quite a bit better today. I hurt my chest by landing on my arm in some weird way. At first it felt like I was going to die. I hit the sidewalk and the piercing pain felt like a heart attack. I came inside and checked myself out. I knew I hit hard but found no broken bones or bruises. I might be banged up a bit but Jesus was still watching over me. I knew He was right there when I felt that pain.
After I came in and got settled, I prayed. I knew He was listening and I knew He was going to answer. I am not as close to Him as I want to be. I let my devotion to Him become devotion to me. I learned in that pain, prayer, and then agape love from my wife that God loved me. He loves me for me and not what I do or not do.
Kim, my wife, came into the room and did something for me and I said, "You love me." She responded by saying, "How do you know?" She was just being silly but God used that moment to show me He loves me the same way. I knew she loved me for me and not because she felt sorry for me or didn't love me because of anything I did wrong. His love doesn't change. I may not be living 100% like I should be, praying as much as I should be, or serving like I should be but His love remains the same. He died before He got any love from me.
I don't know what my exact role is for my life on this planet. I don't know how far away I am from that plan. Sometimes I wonder if I am doing anything right.
However, this past year taught me a few things. I'm not as bad as I thought. Yes, I had attitude problems, selfish issues, and an agenda that wasn't from God. Also, my marriage needed fixed. I am not perfect but the Bible I read says to love others. I started this blog to love others and I've learned to error on the side of love. I choose to love rather than hold a grudge, argue because I'm right, or shun family because they have prejudices or wrong ideas.
I visited my brother over Christmas break. It's been a long time. I hadn't even seen my two nieces before and they're four and two! My family pretty much had me believing they were hermits, never leaving the house and not coming over to visit. We have many family issues that led me to avoid family as much as possible. I had a wonderful time and stayed over five hours! I learned all the stuff my family doesn't talk about and found out what my brother's family was really like. I plan on visiting this year and becoming part of their life. They are raising a family the way I wanted to. Life is too short to not love, especially family.
by Aaron @ 9:15 PM 2 comments
Labels: Changes, Choices, Connecting, Desire to Live Right, God Moment, health, My Walk, Real Life