Let me start by saying I have no children. My wife is a quadriplegic and has had problems with her cycles. We are going to be 40+ers this year. The conversation came up that we should start looking for Mary.
Now Mary is our daughter. She was shown to both of us in a dream/ vision about 10 years ago. Her age was between 10-12 with long tan/ blond hair. She was riding a bike in our driveway and two other boys were behind her. They were around 5 and 6 years old. I knew they were ours. I only had one other dream/ vision before and that one hasn't come to fruition either.
Yesterday I saw a movie that was about an orphan and in the credits it said: "Please...Consider adoption". I felt that familiar twinge that this was meant for me. I never felt this for adoption before. In fact, I told her that we should wait for her to show up because I showed up in answer to her prayers 19 years ago. I was open for adoption but not sure if we're ready. I think God may have taken me through the past 3 years to prepare me. I do long to have a child of my own but life will change forever. I may be spiritually ready but what about emotionally? Time to start looking. Does anybody have any ideas?
6 years ago
Wow, I have absolutely no idea, but I will be praying for you, your wife, and Mary. I know God knows what I don't.
I think you would make a great dad.
Love in Him
Here's an attorney site, to learn more. http://www.kirshadoptionblog.com/
Here's another resourceful looking site
Two out of four of Tim's siblings have adopted. Both went different venues. The one went via foster parenting. They did this for years, had several kids, and finally ended up being able to adopt two of them. Not sure how the other went about it. (He just adopted a set of three siblings- who were in foster care- at another foster parents house.) But they never did foster parenting.
If you do decide to go with something, please blog about it! I'd love to hear it.
You're the 2nd A/G blogger to have something mentioned today about adoption. Hmmmm.
Aww. I am so excited to hear this.
Something to think about - there are MANY MANY older kids waiting to be adopted through the foster program. It's a tough road with no guarentees. All of these kids have been abused in one way or another - however - the older ones especially - have little to no chance of being adopted. think about it. I have the numbers for Lenawee county (Monroe is not wonderful - more later) because we will foster and possibly foster to adopt at some point. Think about it - we can talk more later. I have done a lot of research - because adoption has been on my heart forever.
We're home - talk to you soon!
HEy Man,
That is awesome:)! I don't think you're ever ready...in fact, regarding the maturity thing, Kids don't hinder that in my opinion; in fact, they force us into maturity for thier sake, lest we plague them with a legacy that is not worthy of our LORD...His Grace is Sufficient!!! Please remind me of what I just said when I need it:)! Go for it...I'm not into the lottery or gambling or anything, but the saying goes, you can't win the lottery if you don't buy a ticket (I heard one of my old pastor's counsel another man about buying a new car that he'd been praying for forever--but had never been out shopping for one:)
This is a beautiful post. I think you know what to do! As a parent, I can say you are never "emotionally ready" until the day your child is born (or adopted in this case). Then it takes a milisecond to "become a parent."
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