I recently came across an article from the evangelist Perry Stone. He gives his opinion on why John McCain did not get elected. I find it interesting and very possible. I will give a little bit of what he said. If you would like to read the whole article, click on the title.
Perry states: "Shortly after McCain became the choice of the Republicans, John Hagee stepped forward to endorse McCain. It was then the media found a clip of Hagee preaching a prophetic word which linked the woman on the beast in Revelation 18 to Rome and the Roman church system. Many Bible believing Catholics even believe that an apostate pope will take charge of the church in the future and if confronted with the teaching would actually agree with Hagee’s futuristic interpretation. The media, however, misrepresented the teaching of Hagee and made it appear that he was a Catholic hater. Once the clip from Hagee became public, McCain rejected Hagee’s endorsement due to pressure from some Catholic groups.
Another early endorsement for McCain came from Pastor Rod Parsley. In 2004 it was pastor Parsley’s ministry that began to reveal the importance of selecting leaders who would reject the shedding of innocent blood and same sex relations. His rallies across Ohio actually exposed the hypocrisy of anti-biblical thinking and revealed a conflict of cultures in America. Rod’s messages amazingly translated to a great Ohio victory for President Bush in 2004. The contrast between Bush’s more conservative thought and John Kerry’s liberal stance was evident and Bush won Ohio.
Shortly after Parsley’s endorsement of McCain, the media again went after this great man of God and began to say he had been spewing hate toward Muslims when in fact he had actually exposed fanatical and dangerous forms of Islam. The media painted Rod as a right winged fanatic. Once again, out of fear McCain rejected Rod’s endorsement and Rod stepped aside from the picture.
When McCain was running against Bush for the Republican nomination in 2000, the McCain campaign was in Virginia. There the senator made a very huge blunder, comparing Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell to Louis Farrakkhan and Al Sharpton and called them “agents of intolerance.” He continued, “They are corrupting influences on religion and politics, and those who practice them in the name of religion or in the name of the Republican Party or in the name of America shame our faith, our party and our country…”
The fact is the strongest base of the Republican Party is considerably Christian, which includes millions of conservatives, and when they are expelled from the process, it will be impossible for any Republican candidate to ever win the White House, or a congressional seat.
The public rejection of the endorsement of two great ministers was a mistake. Any conservative leader who desires to obtain the highest offices of the land in the future must understand the importance of the conservative Christian base. We are not going anywhere and instead of dying out, these millions of Christians will continue to fight for the causes that are right and just in the eyes of God, including life, marriage, fiscal responsibility and freedom to worship."I think this is a very viable point he makes. I know a lot of Christians that just couldn't jump on board the 'McCain bandwagon', even when Palin joined the ticket. Very interesting indeed.