Billy Graham once said “If God doesn’t judge America He’ll have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah.” I read this quote today and thought it worthy to share. If nothing else it makes you think!
6 years ago
This verse is Proverbs 27:17. As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another. I chose this passage because as Christians we need to build each other up. On our own we get misled, discouraged, or lazy. Spiritual growth is essential. We can talk about life and fix the stuff that's broke by being honest.
Billy Graham once said “If God doesn’t judge America He’ll have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah.” I read this quote today and thought it worthy to share. If nothing else it makes you think!
by Aaron @ 2:48 PM
Labels: Desire to Live Right, End Times, State of the Church, State of the Country
God will judge everyone; every nation, tongue, tribe etc. I think we'll be quite surprised at how we are judged though. No disrespect for Billy Graham, but in terms of Him "judging America", I would have to say that scripturally he's not going to do any of that before He judges His Church in America--judgement begins with the house of God; and that is in process; the judgement of God is not really His decision, but ours. In Christ, He's already judged us. We have been pronounced forgiven, righteous, clean, guiltless, free, filled with peace, joy, and righteousness, and the list goes on. Any judgement that we receive beyond that is an act of our failure to receive His love, His mercy, and His grace; not an act of His anger or His vengeance. I don't even believe that our concept of his discipline is necessarily on target. God is good all the time and all the time, God is good. I believe God is going to spare our nation a tremendous amount of heartache because of His children who are in it. And I believe that any "judgement" that comes on us is honestly a result of our own choices and the attack of the devil, not a directive sent from Our Father. How these statements gel with eschatology and the judgements spoken of in revelation, I'm not exactly sure, unless of course you're a pre-tribber. Then it works out just fine:).
Well, if you limit your definition of "judgment" to the final judgment you ignore the scriptural fact that God has a long history of using one nation to bring judgment on another nation. There's also the fact that he still controls the wind and the rain (hurricanes). I submit that interim judgments are done in such a way so as to allow American unbelievers (and many believers) to conclude that what just hit them was not God's judgment but a force of nature or some evil nation bent on destroying them. We ignore the signs at our own peril!
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